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Let's create an helmet in Gothic 1.08j, just Marvin Mode, NO mods allowed!


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Hello guys!
I'm here to share with you some of my secrets. With this Youtube tutorial, you will learn how to create an Horned Mercenary Helmet (you can use it only for screenshots, though...), how to disable NPC collisions, how to lock in position multiple NPCs, etc. The Marvin Mode is a fully-fledged debugging tool, not just a cheat console. Every month, I discover incredible new features. This amazing tool has an incredible potential, for sure!

For who doesn't know me, I'm the founder of the Gothic Evolution project. I create artworks with Marvin Mode. If you did see some of my pictures around the web, you might think I did use photoshop or mods. This video will prove you it's just about a very deep Marvin knowledge.
"The most difficult path is the most intriguing one!"

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